Each section has a specific purpose. Editorial access is set to meet the purpose of each section.
Instructions are provided at the Today page and the Wiki page.
1. Make sure you're logged in and have editor privileges. (Contact communications@oasis-open.org if you need to request editor privileges)
2. Choose "create content" in the right margin, then select "book page".
3. Add a title for the page using sentence case capitalization.
4. Designate a path alias for the page. Note: "http://opendocument.xml.org/" will be automatically added, so just type in the characters you want to appear after that. Do not use underscores or camel case. If you use multiple words, separate them with a hyphen.
5. Select a parent page--most likely "Knowledge Base" or, if this is a sub-page, choose one of the existing Knowledge Base pages.
6. Don't worry about specifying a weight for the page, unless you're sure where you want it to appear in the KB. The EdBoard can discuss as a group how the KB pages should be ordered. It's much easier if all the pages are ordered at one time.
7. Likewise, don't worry adding the page to the site map in the footer. That's an "admin" function.