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Want ODF support in Office now? Sun says no problem

Sun has updated its ODF Plug-in to version 1.2, available for Microsoft Office 2000, Office XP, Office 2003, and Office 2007 SP1+. Make sure to check out the tech specs before taking the plunge and downloading the 33.06 MB installer. Don't worry about the fact that Sun forces you to choose between Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP, and doesn't have an option for Vista, because the installer is one and the same for all of the choices.

Sun ODF Plug-in 1.2 is available in the following 16 locales: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Swedish, Brazilian Portuguese, Hungarian, Russian, Polish, Iberian Portuguese, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Korean, and Dutch. Hopefully it performs better than Microsoft's ODF add-in.

Read the complete article by Emil Protalinski. Focus Areas: BPEL | DITA | ebXML | IDtrust | OpenDocument | SAML | UBL | UDDI
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