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ODF Workshop 2008 Conference

The OASIS ODF Adoption TC and the new OASIS ODF Interoperability and Conformance TC met informally at the 2008 conference in Beijing, on November 6, 2008 for an all day workshop.

Attached here are (3) of the presentations delivered during the workshop. 

1) Lost in Translation by Rob Weir, IBM

2) OpenFormula by Rob Weir, IBM

3) ODF/UOF Interoperability by Cheng Ling, Red Flag China 2000

Also included is the agenda and introduction charts by Bart Hanssens, Chair, OASIS ODF Interoperability and Conformance TC.


LostInTranslation.odp487.32 KB
Bart-Nov6-OASIS_Workshop.odp408.54 KB
OpenFormula.odp439.8 KB
InteropUOFODF.odp637.98 KB Focus Areas: BPEL | DITA | ebXML | IDtrust | OpenDocument | SAML | UBL | UDDI
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